Use WordStream’s free AdWords Performance Grader to generate a customized AdWords Performance Report that will show exactly how to optimize your paid search campaigns.
Answer two quick questions about what you’ve learned and what you’ll do differently based on insight from the report.
Each week, use the insights emailed to you from your Performance Tracker to improve your AdWords account. Each Performance Tracker gives you an extra opportunity to increase your final score!
The entrant with the greatest percentage improvement in the combined categories of Search Click-Through Rate and Impression Weighted Average Quality Score between the Initial Grade and Final Grade will win a Prize Pack including a Pixelbook, Pixel 2 phone, Google Home, and more!
You'll get a free report, including a final grade, on your overall Adwords performance, based on a detailed review of:
You'll get a free report, including a final grade, on your overall Adwords performance, based on a detailed review of:
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Boston, MA 02199