Grade and Get Paid The Great Google Getaway

We're Sorry, The Great Google Getaway Challenge entry period has ended.
You can still grade your Google Ads performance by visiting


This Once In a Lifetime Experience Will Include:

  • A 4 day, 3 night trip to Google’s campus in Mountain View, CA (Airfare, hotel, & meals included!)
  • A full day of learning with Google’s product and marketing experts
  • A tour of Google’s incredible campus
  • A night out with your new friends from WordStream & Google
  • A day of exploring the city
  • Awesome free swag
  • Exposure for your business

How to enter the contest

1. Get Your Grade

Use WordStream’s free AdWords Performance Grader and receive a customized report that tells you exactly how to optimize your paid search campaigns.

2. Prepare for lift off

Answer two key questions based on your report: what did you learn and what will you do differently? (Note: You must answer the questions in order to be officially entered into the contest!)

3. Race to the finish line

Use the insights learned from your report to make improvements in your AdWords account. 30 days from your initial entry and report run, a second and final report will automatically run and be emailed to you.

4. Celebrate your victory!

The top five accounts with the biggest improvement from their Initial report to their final report, wins an exclusive trip to Google’s campus!