10 Steps to Improve Your Strategy

Did you know that out of the online U.S. population, 84% use Google Search, 90% use sites on the Google Display Network, and 79% are on Facebook? That's a whole lot of reach! 

This guide will walk you through the opportunities to use these platforms together, building out a complementary strategy that maximizes your return from online advertising. We'll start by reviewing the 3 keys to pairing paid social and paid search:

    •  Audience
    • Alignment
    • Attribution
Lastly, we'll put it all together with the 10 easy steps to pairing your paid search and paid social strategy.


Download the Guide

About WordStream

We're recognized by Google to have the highest level of experience and proficiency in developing, launching, and managing Google Ads campaigns for local merchants and small businesses. Being a Google Premier Partner, we receive extensive product training, tools, and Google Ads support so our customers can stay ahead of the latest Google technology, saving you time and resources.

Ready to Pair Paid Search & Social?

Get the steps!