How to Get a (Near) Perfect Quality Score

Did you know that a higher than average Quality Score in Google Ads can save you up to 50% on your cost per click and 80% on cost per conversion? Rather than spout the usual list of advice, we take a close look at a real account that has exceptionally high Quality Scores and see how they're getting it done. 

In this free guide you will learn:

  • The keys to earning higher quality scores
  • 5 characteristics of a high quality score account
  • Best practices that boost your performance

Download Your Guide

About WordStream & LOCALiQ

As part of the USA Today Network, WordStream and LOCALiQ have partnered together to provide full-funnel marketing services to local businesses and marketing agencies. With an approach that prioritizes core business objectives, our expert consultants and cutting-edge technology empower businesses to grow and thrive.

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