Someone you know uses WordStream Advisor to get better results from advertising on AdWords. They think you could benefit too!
Here's how it works...
- Step 1: Run WordStream's Free AdWords Performance Grader
Take the first step with WordStream's AdWords Performance Grader. It's an instant report card that includes deep analysis in 10 key performance areas of your AdWords account. Complete the form on the right to get started. *Note: please make sure you go through the full process which includes securely connecting your AdWords account through Google. - Step 2: Speak with a WordStream Rep
Once you've successfully ran the AdWords's Performance Grader, a representative from WordStream will contact you to discuss your report and areas of account improvement. - Step 3: Sign-up for WordStream Advsior
If you sign-up for WordStream Advisor, you and the person that sent you the link to this page will each get a $300 Amazon gift card!
Minimum eligibility: WordStream's software is best fit for advertisers spending over $800 a month in paid search whose primary language is English.