How to Get a (Near) Perfect Quality Score

Did you know that a higher than average Quality Score in Google Ads can save you up to 50% on your cost per click and 80% on cost per conversion? Rather than spout the usual list of advice, we take a close look at a real account that has exceptionally high Quality Scores and see how they're getting it done. 

In this free guide you will learn:

  • The keys to earning higher quality scores
  • 5 characteristics of a high quality score account
  • Best practices that boost your performance
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Download the Guide

About WordStream

Our software and services help businesses and agencies take the guesswork out of online advertising so you get more from your marketing budget.

“I consider Wordstream a partner for my company and am depending on them to help us continue to grow our E-Commerce capabilities.”

Guy B.  
Marketing Mgr, IceMule Coolers

“[WordStream's] features become your daily routine... It's as if you have a nice team of analysts to help you understand what's going on and then suggest actions to take.”

Ardalan Z
Sr. Online Marketing Manager at Eargo

“We've been able to improve the results we get for our clients by using the features of the WordStream tool. Better Quality Scores, higher conversions, etc.”

Jeff R.
Account Director, Launch Marketing

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